They were (deep breath): treecreeper, jay, long tailed tit, crow, rook, blue tit, robin, wren, great spotted woodpecker, great tit, blackbird, nuthatch, woodpigeon, dunnock, song thrush, chiff chaff, cockerel, magpie, coal tit, jackdaw, siskin, black cap, sparrow.
Mark also informed us that peregrine falcons have taken up residence again this year in the chimney of Dalton Mill (visible from Park Wood but only with good optics). If we want a wide range of bird species in the wood - and we do! - he recommended leaving dead wood, both standing and fallen, as nesting sites for woodpeckers and habitat for invertebrates like beatles that many bird species feed on. He stressed the need for more understorey in the wood to act as cover for song thrush and black cap.
On Sun 25th May there will be another bird walk like this one. If we identify the same species as on the first walk then it is highly likely those species are nesting in the wood. We'll meet at 7am at the intersection of the snicket and Dale View Grove (same as first walk).
Thank you to Mark, we are all looking forward to the next one!